
PA Piercing: wichtig zu wissen

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For serious chastity we recommend you strongly to have a PA piercing done. It is the only  way in combination with the Penicap, to be kept closed  long term without drawbacks in daily life.

PA piercings are not always perfectly well done, As we know by our experience with our partner piercing studio, there are a lot of wrong punched PA piercings, which heal sometimes, sometimes not. They cannot be used for the Penicaps because of a wrong position.

We give you here some adivce how to sort out a good from a beginner piercer (oh yes, they ALL have plenty of experience and so on). Primarily, be wary what they tell you.

A common mistake is to pierce a PA with 14 G  (1.6 mm), the most common piercing caliber. They must perfom at least with  8 G (3 mm), or even better directly to 4 G (5mm), which is needed for the Penicap PA. From 8G to 4G it needs some stretching later, and a couple of months time.
1.6 mm cuts in under erection, is uncomfortable, to weak in sex, and it will be endless to stretch to 5 mm.

The exit point at the base of the glans is clearly defined, where the PA hole has to be. It is in the upper end of the groove, where the two halves of the glans come together in a V-form. This is usually in a standard, mid size penis 10-12 mm from the front tip. It may also be less, depending of the lower edge of the urethra opening, whose position is variable, and can end lower.
If you have a low ending urethra (which is a mild version of a hypospadia), the  flesh bridge of lower edge urethra (entry) and exit MUST be at least 8mm, otherwise you have a risk of tear or grow out.

the PA exit hole MUST not behind more than 2mm from the ideal exit spot (see above). PA holes to far behind cause uncomfortable irritations. And the will not be a good fit into the penicap.

The exit hole is directly adjacent to the frenum ligament (or its remnants if circumsized), left or rigght does not matter. Choose the side where is more space, or less or no veins.

Always insert first a ball-closure ring, with enough diameter, The size is more given by the flesh bridge distance, than by the penis size, exept if you are strong grower. Usual internal diameters of 3 mm ring are 13-17 mm.

Our advice:
select carefully a piercer (not just a studio, but the piercer person specifically), who has a demonstrable experience with PA piercings.
– ask him how many he has done already.
– ask him, where the exit hole will be precisely on your penis, and he shall show you the exit point.
– ask him if  he will pierce at least on 3mm diameter
– ask him how he will perform the piercing in detail: from inside to outside, does he give some sort of anesthesia, like icing outside, or Emla surface anesthesia (which can be applied also inside the urethra), and how he is defining the exit point with the needle. If he wants to use a cork countersupport, go away. He cannot see where he comes out.

Examples of
correct placement of PA rings

Examples of
incorrect placements of PA rings