Thinking about getting a PA piercing?

Thinking about a PA piercing? More and more chastity interested men think about getting a PA piercing, which is necessary to carry probably the best and least intrigueing longterm device. We give you some advice what is important to sort out good from bad piercers. See our  new page about making a Prince-Albert Piercing, with […]

Discount for wrong-size-orders

Discount for wrong-size-orders If you order a penicap in  a wrong size (usually too big, sometimes too small) what can happen until the fit is perfect, we offer you a 25% discount on the following order within one month of the first order. You need only to order a new cage in the correct size, […]

Problems with Frenum Penicap? – a valuable suggestion

Problems with Frenum Penicap? – a valuable suggestion of a frenum wearer A customer of  a Penicap Frenum gives the Frenum community a useful hint, if you have problems of irritation of the direct fixation with the Frenum shackle. The frenum can be irritated by the shackle. A way how to solve is to put […]